The Best

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

April 26th.

I contacted the TotalFlex people and requested 2 free packs of resistance bands as a gesture of customer service for all the trouble I've had. As in keeping with TotalFlex tradition 2 e-mails were needed to be sent as they never addressed it in the first one. They said it can't be done, so I replied "Why?".

Who ever is answering these e-mails, English is not their first language, so not only do we have a company that doesn't respond to complaints, the responses they do give are in broken English.

I would not recommend this product unless:
1) You are under 5' 9"
2) Have a high tolerance for plastic/rubber odors.
3) You are in poor shape or just want to keep toned. You won't get like the Hulk using this machine. I have had this machine less than a month and I'm already using all six resistance bands for the bench press.

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